Sunday, March 6, 2011

Map Critique #7

Proposed Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities

This is a proposed map of bike lane and pedestrian facility by the Planning Department of Elk Grove Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. Obviously, the map has no specific title. The map maker didn't indicate where is this place. Therefore, this map develop confusion.

Also, this map lacks several essential elements, such as the scale and the orientation. But the complete legend redeem the incompleteness of this map. Also, the color used was nice and the labels were clear. But I think, more labels must be provided. And because this is a proposed map, I think source is not that important, but still, needed (for the date in the main map).

The map was properly digitized and the boundaries were clear.

map source:,r:0,s:0&biw=1024&bih=499

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