Sunday, March 6, 2011

Map Critique #8

This is one of the most interesting map I've encounter. It is the visual representation or explanation on the happiness or the level of happiness of the different groups of people in the world.

Obviously, America is the happiest place according to this map. While Africa and Europe are not that happy and Asia is average.

However, this map lacks many things. First is source. This map is trying to convey information on the audience, therefore it must have source or reference to prove the information given in this map. Because it has no sources, this can't be consider reliable. In fact, this map might be a bias map especially on the west because what this map trying to say is westerns are more contended in their life than others do. This can be consider as a propaganda map.

Also, this map has no scale, and orientation. Nonetheless, the map maker used nice set of graduated color. The color used was appropriate on the subject of the map which is happiness because lively colors like this are often associated with happiness.

map source:,r:0,s:24

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