Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Map Critique #1

 Map of Prague - capital of Czech Republic

This map is a map of Prague, Czech Republic. It was published by checkinprague.com to accommodate tourists in Prague. This map has the all important sights that the Prague's city center can offer.

As we all know, a cartographer or a map maker have always biases. And as a student of Cartography, I find this map quite interesting because it is very detailed but it doesn't suit my "taste". The first thing I observed was the color. For a tourist map, the color combination used was unpleasant. Also, the map maker failed to provide the map a scale, legend (which I think very necessary in this map), orientation (again, a very important part of this map because this is a map for tourist or for 1st timer in Prague), source and a title. 

A map must always maintain its simplicity but this map failed to be simple. But despite of this map's weaknesses, it is still a nice map because of its several details that are mere important. 

map source:

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